Episode 2 Show Plan

1 minute read

Show agenda:

  1. Intro
  2. BBQ chat
  3. short segment - not decided. Something Michael has been up to?
  4. Smartwatches - worth it or not?


What we cooked on the weekend

  • Michael’s attempts + experience
  • Dan’s cook + experience
  • Equipment
  • Method

Don’t need to go into too much depth this episode, unless it is full topic

Smartwatch chat

Dan’s thoughts

  • Most people don’t need one, phone is usually enough
  • What do I have and what do I use it for?
    • Apple Watch Series 2
    • tracking my running due to GPS and HR monitor
    • sleep tracking
    • setting Siri reminders
    • distracting my kids
    • Using it to timebox stuff for my kids, like bedtime and pre-bedtime. “Hey Siri, set a timer for 5 mins” when I say I’m switching off the light in 5 mins
  • What did I think I would use it for?
    • honestly i don’t know
    • i think i just wanted to shiny new tech
    • I had a pebble watch previously which I really liked. Sleep tracking was the key part of that then
  • Why is sleep tracking important?
    • For some background, for about most of the past 5 years my kids have woken up atleast once during the night about 90% of the time.
    • Sleep tracking was both good (and bad) at showing me how little sleep I was getting, or how disrupted my sleep was.
    • Despite the info, I really liked knowing how good or bad this was


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